VI Peel

Enjoy feeling more confident in your skin in just 7 days!

The Vi Peel is a gentle yet powerful medical-grade chemical peel for the treatment of acne and acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, rosacea, enlarged pores, oil balancing, and overall skin health.

The Vi Peel is safe and effective on all skin types and colors and can be used on the face, neck chest, arms, back, and legs, and is the only peel safe for the under-eye area. It is also painless and requires minimal downtime.

More than 10 years of experience with satisfied patients across the world!

The aging process can cause your skin to become lax, pigmented and rough. Sun exposure and environmental assault just adds to the problem. Aging is inevitable but the VI Peel can make a difference in as little as 7 days.

Specifically formulated to rejuvenate aging skin and help prevent future damage.

A simple, pain-free procedure.

A proven treatment protocol that works synergistically with specific VI Derm products to enhance and extend your results.

VI Aesthetics is the revolutionary skincare company that pioneered the creation of the first painless chemical peel in 2005. Today, VI Aesthetics has grown to offer five medical-grade VI Peel formulations that address every patient’s skin concern along with a full portfolio of professional skincare that enhance and extend the results from a VI Peel treatment.

The VI Peel is a medical grade chemical peel and the VI Derm line includes pharmaceutical grade products sold exclusively to skin health professionals worldwide.

Areas of Concern:

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