Chemical Peel for Acne Scars: Before and After VI Peel

Acne scars are a serious problem that many people have to face on a day-to-day basis. Not only are these scars major blemishes on the skin’s surface, but they can result in people losing their self-confidence and developing issues with their image.

But if you struggle with acne scars, chemical peels could be a great way to get healthy skin again.

Don’t believe us?

Well, we don’t blame you. There are tons of different acne treatment options specifically to lighten and remove scars and blemishes. And if you’ve tried this method yourself, you may know that not all of them work.

But chemical peels, more specifically the VI peel treatment for acne blemishes is a gamechanger.

For many people, chemical peels are some of the most effective treatments for acne-prone skin that has a lot of scars. And if you’ve been struggling with similar issues, this could be just the treatment you need.

Keep reading to check out before and after photos and really get to the bottom of what chemical peels are and how they can heal your acne scars.


How Does a VI Chemical Peel for Acne Scars Work?

It can feel like a huge blessing whenever an acne breakout stops. But as you probably know, acne breakups are far from clean. In fact, people with acne-prone skin usually have to deal with a bunch of scars even after the acne fades away.

Most of the time, acne scarring goes away after some time. However, it can take a long time for acne scars to disappear on their own. And if you’re looking to speed up the process, chemical peels could be the right option for you.

A VI chemical peel works by removing the top layer of your skin. This is where most of the scar tissue is, which allows new skin to generate. It does sound a bit scarier than it is.

Afterward, your body will work on the development of healthy, new skin is, which is why the acne scars fade after some time. This is a great way to give your skin a chance to regenerate properly, removing dead skin cells and almost instantly improving skin texture.

Chemical peels are similar to other exfoliant treatments. However, the difference is that they are much stronger and do a much better job at removing dead skin cells and the entire top layer of your skin.

To do this, a chemical solution is applied to your face. The solution can contain glycolic acid along with salicylic acid, all of which are great options for chemical peels.

These chemical solutions cause trauma to the face.

But don’t worry, this isn’t a bad thing.

This trauma is what attacks and removes dead and unhealthy skin cells. On top of that, the trauma causes your body to react and create new and healthy skin cells with better skin texture and significant scar reduction.

With that said, there are many types of chemical peels available. And if you really want to effectively treat acne scars on your face and skin, you need to find the right option for you.

What Does a VI Chemical Peel for Acne Scars Do?

The reason VI chemical peels are a popular option for people who struggle with atrophic scars and hypertrophic scars is that results are almost instant. If you get a professional chemical peel, the highest quality glycolic acid, mandelic acid, and salicylic acid are used in creating the solutions.

Depending on the peeling solution and whether you used lactic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, or other solutions, you might get varied results. However, g generally, most chemical peels aim to;

  • Lighten the dark spots on the skin
  • Create a smoother skin texture
  • Unclogs pores to prevent breakouts (great for oily skin)

The reason why it’s important to choose the right skin clinic when getting chemical peels is that different solutions are designed for different skin types. For example, there are certain solutions that are the best chemical peel solution for darker skin tones.

On the flip side, the best chemical peel solutions for lighter skin tones may differ as well.

You need to find the right combination for your skin type. With that said, common acids that you would want to see in the solution are glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, and any chemical that you feel would work on your skin.

With that said, one thing that chemical peels won’t be able to do is to heal deep scars. If you have old scars and deep scars that have been on your skin for a while, even multiple peels may not be able to work as fast.

Additionally, if you have dark skin, you may have to be more particular about the chemical solutions. This is because the wrong chemicals can have a great effect on your skin’s appearance and might offer the opposite of the desired results.

Chemical Peel for Acne Scars: Before

These are the types of acne scars that work best with chemical peels. As you can see, the scars are fairly deep, but they aren’t so deep that the chemical peel still has an effect. Generally, it’s best to get chemical peels of hypertrophic scars, as these aren’t as deep and a couple of chemical peels will likely do the job.

Additionally, VI chemical peels may also work for atrophic acne scars. However, since these scars are generally deeper, you may have a hard time, even if you get multiple professional chemical peels.

Not all scars are equal, and it’s important to put that into consideration.

So, before opting for chemical peels and other treatments for acne scars, you need to take a look at the different skin types and acne scars that work with chemical peels.

No two skin types are the exact same. This is why some treatments that work for you may not work for others and vice versa.

Chemical Peel for Acne Scars: After

As you can see, there’s an immediate improvement to the person’s skin tone and skin texture right after the chemical peels. While you may notice a difference in the level of your hypertrophic and atrophic acne scars right after the treatment, it will take some time before you get the actual results.

Usually, it takes between 7-14 days for the VI chemical peels to really take effect. However, keep in mind that this can vary from person to person. Additionally, different solutions have varying effects.

So, talk to your aesthetician and get all the necessary information before you head on and get VI chemical peels for your acne scars. All of our aestheticians here at Manhattan Laser Spa will do their very best to come up with the best plan for your specific skin type.

Types of Chemical Peels for Acne Scars

Here are the types of chemical peels you can get for your acne scars.

Lunchtime Chemical Peel

Lunchtime chemical peels are also known as superficial chemical peels. These are the most shallow option available and is the quickest healing option. With that said, it isn’t the strongest of the chemical peels for acne available. So, if you have atrophic scars or deep acne scars, then this treatment may not be the one for you.

Additionally, even for light scarring, the lunchtime peel may require multiple peels and sessions.

Medium Chemical Peel

The medium peel is a great middle ground. It doesn’t affect as deep a layer of your skin, so you don’t have to worry about traumatizing your skin too much. however, it does get a bit deeper than the superficial peel, which is why it’s effective in treating acne scars.

With that said, medium peels take longer to heal than lunchtime peels.

Deep Chemical Peel

Deep peels are the most intense chemical peels for acne. While these are effective at treating different types of acne scarring, including deeper scars. However, it may not be the best option for sensitive skin. Additionally, this comes with a bunch of different maintenance treatments and takes the longest time to heel.

Which Chemical Peel is Right for you?

There is no one type of chemical peel that is the “best chemical peel on the market”. This is because everybody has different skin with unique needs. For example, while medium and deep peels are ideal for heavier acne scarring, they can traumatize the skin.

So, if you have sensitive skin, you may want to stay away from this treatment. On the flip side, if you really want to get rid of deep acne scarring, the simple lunchtime peel may be a bit too light for you.

To find the best type of chemical peel for acne scars, you need to consider your own needs and preferences first.

Book a VI Chemical Peel Treatment in New York City

The best way to deal with acne scars is a multi-faceted approach. Additionally, we recommend a tailored approach to dealing with acne scars that fit your needs and skin texture. So, you may want to consider chemical peels to your acne scars treatment routine.

If you’re considering a VI chemical peel for acne scars our team here at Manhattan Laser Spa in New York would love to help you achieve your aesthetic goals, just drop us a line or book an appointment with us to get started.

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