CoolSculpting: Getting ready for warmer weather?

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, highly effective body contouring procedure that has been offered since 2010, when it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This “fat-freezing” procedure can significantly reduce the appearance of fat without surgery. This procedure has been used around the world on millions of satisfied clients, and it is one of the safest and most effective options available to contour the body and refine your shape. 

Proven Safe and Effective

Around the world, over 6 million CoolSculpting procedures have been performed, providing a clear record of client satisfaction and exceptional safety. Clinical studies have resulted in over 100 published reports and studies that describe how effective this procedure can be and highlight its safety as a fat-reduction option. You can remove unwanted fat safely and easily with CoolSculpting, offered at our medical spa clinic. 

The FDA Agrees

Not only can satisfied clients tell you about their CoolSculpting successes, there is a significant amount of scientific research that proves just how safe and effective this leading treatment for fat reduction is. The FDA has approved CoolSculpting to freeze and reduce fat in eight different treatment areas of the body. While CoolSculpting began in 2010 as a way to reduce love handles or “muffin top,” today, it can provide a whole-body solution. 

In 2012, CoolSculpting was approved for the reduction of belly fat and abdominal treatments, while in 2014, the procedure was approved for inner and outer thigh treatments to address saddlebags and other unwanted thigh fat. In 2015, CoolSculpting began use for one of its most popular and effective applications – removing fat under the chin and eliminating the appearance of a “double chin.” 

Since 2016, CoolSculpting has been FDA-approved to reduce fat in areas throughout the body, including bra fat, back fat and fatty areas below the buttocks. Now, you can receive CoolSculpting on your upper arms to enhance their sculpted, toned appearance. 

Non-Invasive and Non-Surgical

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and other invasive fat removal procedures. There are no needles, injections or surgery involved in CoolSculpting. Instead, this procedure makes use of cryolipolysis, a technology discovered by scientists at Harvard University who learned that fat cells are particularly susceptible too cold, freezing temperatures. By freezing fat cells, these specifically targeted cells will die and naturally be removed by the body’s own lymphatic symptoms. Full results are visible up to four months after the initial treatment. 

CoolSculpting is designed to specifically target fat cells without affecting the surrounding skin and tissue. This procedure can help you achieve the body that you want, safely and effectively. Contact our medical spa clinic today to learn more about CoolSculpting and how it can work for you.

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