Laser Hair Removal NYC: The important questions you need to know

Laser Hair Removal NYC The important questions you need to know
Precision, speed and predictability are three of the best words to describe the benefits of laser hair removal nyc. To some of us, unwanted hair is a sensitive subject and not easy to broach. Thankfully, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and sister Khloe have talked about and captured laser hair removal techniques on reality television, allowing the procedure to become more popular and acceptable to women and men.
Probably the most wonderful aspect of undergoing laser hair removal are the permanent results. Zapping hair where you don’t want it is one thing; making it disappear forever is a dream come true.

Here are some F.A.Q. about Laser Hair Removal NYC:

1. Is electrolysis the same as laser hair removal?
Electrolysis can achieve the same mission- to destroy the unwanted hair, but can only zap one hair at a time with a tiny needle and electrical current. Laser technology on the other hand, can cover larger areas of the face and body, such as the entire bikini area. Laser technology can zap many hairs with a strong beam of light while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

2. Is lashttp://laserspa1.wpengine.comer hair removal completely permanent?
Most experts would agree that laser hair removal when performed correctly, is effective and permanent. There may be minimal regrowth over the years requiring a yearly touch-up. The more pigment the hair(darker) has, the better and quicker the results will be. The energy created by the laser hunts down the pigment in the “root” of the hair and heats up the follicle.

3. Are both women and men both candidates for laser hair removal nyc?.
Yes. Laser hair removal zaps unwanted hair commonly found in these areas- face (chin, lip line), underarm, bikini area, legs, stomach, back, buttocks, thighs, neck, chest, arms and toes.

4. How many laser treatments will I need to see results?
Hair grows in cycles, so several sessions placed apart allow all the hair in the targeted zone to be destroyed. Most patients require at least 6-8 treatments spaced 8-12 weeks apart.

5. Is laser hair removal painful?
Most patients describe the laser experience like a rubber band snapping against the skin for a quick second. An anesthetic cream like EMLA can be applied to the area where hair is being removed before the procedure, although most patients do not require a numbing cream.

6. Are there any risks or side effects to laser hair removal?
A patient might feel itchiness, tingling and see redness or a little swelling at the lasered site for a couple of days, however side effects like scab formation, bruising or temporary pigment change are rarely seen. If the incorrect laser type or setting was used, then these side effects could develop.

7. What are the most popular areas for laser hair removal?
On women, it is facial hair and bikini line, and on men it is back hair.

8. Is there any downtime to laser hair removal?
No. It is a non-invasive treatment; laser hair removal is a lunch-time cosmetic procedure. There is no recovery time, and patients can return to work or play immediately.

9. How do I prepare for laser hair removal?
First, seek out a trusted and licensed dermatologist or esthetician who will explain each step of the removal procedure. Next, most laser experts prefer that you shave the day of your treatment. The less hair that is on the surface of the skin, the more energy that can be delivered into the source of the hair follicle. Shaving the day of the procedure will only increase the efficacy of the laser.

10. What does laser hair removal nyc cost?
The cost per session varies depending on the city you live in and clinic you visit. Generally speaking, the upper lip could cost between $50 and $150.

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