PRP for Hair Loss NYC (Review: Does it Work?)

Hair loss is a major issue that affects both men and women. Male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss are problems faced by many people in this day and age, which is why tons of people search for hair loss treatments every single day, like PRP for Hair Loss NYC.

Consumption of hair loss treatment products has risen in the United States in the past couple of years and is projected to rise even further.

Is PRP for Hair Loss the best way to treat hair loss and androgenetic alopecia?

One of the more popular hair loss treatment options in New York for female pattern baldness, male hair loss, and other issues out there is PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatments. We offer PRP for hair loss right here at our New York office, which is why we have so much to say about this popular NYC treatment.

In this PRP for hair loss review, we’ll be going into the details of what PRP therapy is, whether it can assist in hair regrowth, the entire process of receiving PRP injections, and figuring out if PRP hair loss treatment actually works and if it’s worth getting.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Causes Hair Loss?

There are many different things that can trigger male and female pattern baldness. However, the most common cause for hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, in which hair is lost in a set pattern. This is also called male or female pattern hair loss or baldness. Other things that can trigger hair loss in both men and women include stress, genetics, medications, or even poor hair treatments.

In this day and age, the lack of new hair growth is nothing to be ashamed of. However, it can still cause anxiety and other self-esteem issues. So, is there any way to cure hair loss?

How Can You Treat Hair Loss?

There isn’t a set cure for hair loss out there, especially since there are so many things that can cause the hair follicles to stop growing hair, essentially stopping hair growth. However, as humans have taken great medical advancements, we have started to develop other treatments that can slow or reverse hair loss.

You may have noticed a bunch of over-the-counter hair loss treatment options out there, which can sometimes be effective. You might have even considered a hair transplant or hair restoration treatment, which has been known to help people with hair loss conditions.

However, one of the new hair loss treatments rising in popularity is PRP treatments. PRP was originally designed to aid in wound healing in the body, but it has recently been shown to also aid in hair loss, making PRP for hair loss treatments skyrocket in popularity in recent years, especially here in New York City.

What Is PRP Treatment & How Does It Work?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. PRP contains two major elements, plasma (the liquid part of human blood) and a high platelet count. Platelets are a part of the body designed to help in the healing process. These are similar to white blood cells, but they are small fragments of cells that aid with cell growth and regeneration.

PRP treatment taps into the body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate itself. The body naturally does this through white blood cells and platelet-rich plasma, so PRP for hair loss treatment simply gives the body a boost when it comes to healing itself.

Originally, this was designed to help people’s wounds and injuries heal. PRP for hair loss and other injuries involves injecting the patient with their own platelet-concentrated blood to facilitate healing in the area. Common PRP for hair loss procedures involves three treatments, sometimes four spread out over the course of 4-6 weeks. When used for injuries, patients who undergo PRP have noted significant improvement in their injuries. However, keep in mind that improvements aren’t exactly noticeable after the initial treatment.

If you’re a good candidate for PRP for hair loss or other injuries, you should begin to feel the effects after a couple of months. During the early stages after the treatment, your body is still healing itself, and whether you’re trying to heal your scalp, hair follicle, or other joints, you won’t feel the treatment until it has run its course.

However, the entire treatment should be complete within 6 months, which is when the largest difference should be noted. To increase effectiveness, you may be recommended by our Spa in New York to return for maintenance treatments to avoid the injury coming back.

Can Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Work On Hair Loss?

So, if PRP treatment is known to treat a variety of muscular injuries, what can it do for hair loss? The jury is still out on whether PRP for hair loss is an effective tool and treatment option for baldness. While many candidates and patients have reported improvements and slowing of their baldness or androgenetic alopecia after treatment, there have not been enough peer-reviewed studies to come up with a definite answer.

With that said, the human hair cycle is fairly complex, and scientists haven’t exactly gotten to the bottom of it just yet. So, there might be some hair loss treatments that will work for you that won’t work for others and vice versa.

In fact, there are even some people who report that hair transplantation doesn’t work on them even with the right donor hair. So, you can expect the same kind of results from PRP for hair loss treatment.

While it could potentially facilitate hair growth and breath new life into your hair follicles, it is far from a definitive cure for male and female pattern baldness.

The NYC PRP for Hair Loss Process

The NYC PRP for the hair loss process is very simple. First, the PRP for hair loss treatment starts by creating a platelet-rich concentrate from your own blood. This is basically what is in PRP injections and what goes into your body during PRP therapy.

When your own blood is drawn for PRP for hair loss treatments, it is then put in a centrifuge to separate the fluids. In the centrifuge, the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the platelet-poor plasma and the red blood cells. From there, the platelet-rich plasma is put into a syringe and prepared to be injected into your scalp.

When getting PRP therapy for muscular injuries, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected straight into that area. Since PRP for hair loss targets the scalp and hair follicles to assist with hair growth, the PRP is injected into areas that are in need of growth.

Generally, there are virtually no side effects when getting PRP therapy. However, keep in mind that whenever you get something injected into you, there are risks involved (but more on that later). Once complete, the results of your PRP therapy for male pattern or female pattern baldness will be seen within a couple of months.

Remember, patients usually receive three treatments of PRP therapy spread out over a couple of weeks. While you might feel mild pain during the procedure, it goes away right after, making for a relatively low-pain treatment.

After your treatment, you can expect to start seeing results within 3-4 months. However, keep in mind that everyone is different and hair regrowth is complicated. So, while PRP for hair loss works for a lot of people, there are many other growth factors to consider, so there is a chance it may not work on some people.

With all that said, patients generally report PRP therapy to be a fairly effective hair loss treatment that can increase hair thickness and even slow down the balding process.

How Long Does PRP Last?

PRP for hair loss is a very basic treatment. While there will be mild pain during the injection, it isn’t that bad, so while you may request a topical anesthetic, it isn’t exactly required. The entire PRP therapy process takes less than an hour, with a lot of the time going to waiting for the blood to finish being processed in the centrifuge.

Of course, at Manhattan Laser Spa in New York, all the patients go through the proper treatment protocols from the blood draw all the way to PRP hair loss treatment itself to ensure their own safety and efficacy of the treatment.

What Are The Side Effects Of PRP For Hair Loss?

Again, when you go through PRP injections to treat hair loss, there are generally no side effects. When getting PRP hair loss treatment in New York, you are getting your own blood injected into yourself, so you aren’t at risk of getting communicable diseases.

However, keep in mind that nerve damage, infection, calcification, and scar tissue are all potential side effects you can experience from PRP injections. With that said, these are potential side effects of just about any hair restoration treatment that requires an injection.

Does PRP For Hair Loss Have Any Risks?

When you’re going into the PRP for hair loss or maintenance treatments, make sure to let the practitioner know all the medication you’re on. When you go in for a consultation before the three treatments, you will be asked about your current medical state. This is something we will discuss with you when you come for PRP treatments at Manhattan Laser Spa in NYC.

Generally, patients aren’t considered good candidates for PRP hair restoration treatments if they are on blood thinners, are heavy smokers, or have a history of drug or alcohol misuse.

Additionally, if you’re diagnosed with certain comorbidities, disorders, or infections, you may also be rejected for PRP for hair loss.

So, Should You Get PRP For Hair Loss?

Hair loss, hair growth, and baldness are all complicated and subjects. There are many growth factors to consider, while there are also tons of things that can cause baldness aside from androgenetic alopecia. While there aren’t any definitive studies or evidence on the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair growth, many patients report positive results when receiving the therapy.

Just keep in mind that different hair restoration treatments work on different people. So, make sure to consult your doctor or a professional before you go in for PRP for hair loss treatments to get a clear picture of its potential efficacy on you and your condition.

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