To Shave, To Wax, Or To Laser?

To Shave, To Wax, Or To Laser? | Manhattan Laser Spa

Hair removal is a task that everyone needs to do but not everyone is looking forward to doing it. Most individuals are left with redness, razor cuts, bumps, ingrown hairs and itchiness during the process. Hair removal can be very painful to skin as well as to the wallet. Apparently, some methods of hair removal are cheaper than others. However, what is the most cost-effective and less painful way of removing hair? We’d like to review three methods -Shaving, Waxing and Laser Hair Removal New York.


Shaving is a method of removing hairs from the skin’s surface using a razor. Typically, disposable razors are inexpensive and could cost about $4 for a 6-piece pack. Shaving is quick and will only take a few minutes even for a large area of skin. The result of shaving is smooth skin on legs, bikini area and underarms. But, unfortunately, this result is short lived as hairs will start growing back as soon as the following day. The shaved skin will start to feel prickly and thus, needs shaving again.

Though shaving is the most inexpensive method of hair removal, it does not keep the skin hair free for a longer period of time. It requires constant maintenance and getting razor cuts and bumps are never ending. It may not be an ideal method of hair removal, but it does the job if you do not mind wasting your time.


Waxing is a technique of removing hairs from their roots. The process includes applying warm wax on the skin to remove the hair from the root. This process is repeated every 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the location of the skin. Waxing treatments are typically performed by a beautician in salons or at home and may cost from $10 to $60. Depending on a person’s pain tolerance, waxing can either be moderately painful or extremely painful. The most common side effect of waxing is ingrown hairs, which could cause a scar that will look far worst than hair.


Laser treatments offer permanent hair removal. It is also suitable to all skin types and all parts of the body. Depending on the area, laser hair removal New York may require a series of treatments that could last 4 to 8 weeks. The pain level for laser treatments is comparable to a flick of an elastic band on the skin. The cost of the treatment ranges from $29 to $699.

Although the cost of laser treatments is higher compared to shaving and waxing, you are only paying for the entire course of the treatment and not for the rest of your life. Maintenance treatments or spot treatments might be required for stray hairs that could grow over a period of time but the cost is not as much as the initial treatments.

Laser hair removal is not an expense but an investment for yourself. You can forget about the razor, wax and the unwanted hairs.

An assessment for skin and hair suitability is required prior to a laser treatment. So make sure to consult a certified laser technician at any laser hair removal New York so you will know what to expect from the treatment.

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